School Council
Comberton Primary School Council 2024 2025
Our School Council has grown and now includes representatives from all KS2 classes. Each year group has also been twinned with a KS1 class, so all pupils in KS1 and KS2 have a voice.
Each class used the British value of democracy to vote in a school councillor to be the pupil voice for their class.
This year's representatives: Reemus, Lucie, Dylan, Lucas, Emma, Eva, Tasnim and Edie.

What do we do?
We try to meet once or twice every half-term. We discuss how to make our school a better place.
Fund Raising for School and Charities
- We will be raising money for The Royal British Legion by selling poppies at break in the library after half term.
- Last year, on Friday 17th November we wore spots to school and made donations to Children In Need. School Council sorted the money and the school raised £431.50. This year we plan to support Red Nose Day.
- Last year, School Council voted to donate money to Birmingham Children's Hospital. The new School Council will vote for their chosen charity at our next meeting in November.
Events to date:
- Pumpkin competition (to be judged by last year's year 6 representatives, Ava and Malacachi)
- Poppy sale in the library (money raised for The Royal British Legion)
- Spotty day to highlight the importance of Children In Need
School Council did an amazing job at selling Poppies during break time!
Malachi (last year's school councillor) returned to judge the pumpkin competition. He had a hard job deciding as all the pumpkins looked so good! School Council would like to thank all the children who brought in a pumpkin. You all did an amazing job and a big thank you to Malachi for judging so well!
Christmas wreaths, class door decorations:
What can we give that costs nothing?
All the children at school came up with so many ideas - thank you to Emma in School Council for suggesting the idea. It has been a big success!
Next meeting:
Discuss lunchtime pupil voice surveys.
Discuss how to progress 'Buddy Bench' idea.
Future events:
Attend a Governors meeting in the spring term to share the role of School Council within the school.