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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Do you have a question related to SEND? Please see your child's class teacher or Comberton's SENDCO, Mrs Jenny Phillips.

Mrs Phillips can be contacted at or via the school office on 01562 754704

The following leaflet has been produced as a quick guide to SEND support at Comberton. Paper copies can be found in the foyer.

At Comberton Primary School we aim to ensure that, through a whole school approach, we address the barriers to learning our pupils face. We are committed to the process of inclusion and endeavour to provide full access to the national curriculum; encouraging all pupils to achieve their full potential. We will seek to identify the needs of our pupils and respond with a range of teaching strategies, in a supportive learning environment. 

We endeavour to provide high quality education through both quality first teaching as well as wave 2 and 3 interventions where required. These are small group or individual interventions led by teachers, TAs or other professionals such as Speech and Language therapists. These interventions may be short, medium or long term and are targeted to the specific needs of our pupils. All areas of school life are inclusive and teaching is tailored towards individual learning offering both challenge and support. We support and value all of our pupils, providing equal opportunities for all.

The Local Offer - 'Ordinarily Available'

Local Authorities must publish a 'local offer' - the things that their schools/services will offer to SEN pupils and their parents. Worcestershire County Council use the phrase 'Ordinarily Available' to describe the minimum entitlement of SEND pupils in mainstream schools.

More information from the local authority related to SEND can be found here:

Worcestershire Local Offer