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Welcome to Comberton Primary School and Nursery. Please contact the school office for a personalised tour of our wonderful school!

School Council

In September, years 3 to 6 used the British Value of democracy to vote for a School Council Representative to represent their class and be the children's voice.


Comberton Primary School Council 2023 2024


Our 6 representatives are: Malachi, Ava, Charlie, Phoebe, Nathaniel and Sammy


What do we do?


School Council meetings are held approximately every 2 weeks. We talk about what we can do to make our school a better place.


We have discussed:

  • the new school logo
  • fundraising for school and charities
  • events
  • what to include in a time capsule
  • working with a new PTA



Fund Raising for School and Charities


We enjoyed selling poppies and raised money for The Royal British Legion. It was great fun and we were so successful we actually sold out of slap and wrist bands!


On Friday 17th November we wore spots to school and made donations to Children In Need. School Council sorted the money and the school raised £431.50.

Phoebe had the great idea of encouraging our school community to donate to the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal.

 Friday 15th December is Christmas jumper day!

School Council decided that we would like to donate the donations to Birmingham Children's Hospital.

We felt this was a worthy cause.


Possible Upcoming Events (details to follow)


  • Valentine disco on Thursday 8th February (45 minutes per session)
  • World Book Day (dress in pyjamas or as a BOOK character!) Thursday 7th March
  • RSPCA Summer Fun Day with class activities (animal theme lessons) June 17th
  • Summer Fete (July)

Sensory  Garden Plans


We have enjoyed discussing and researching ideas for the new school sensory garden. This will be situated where the current year 5 classrooms are. We are submitting our ideas to a landscaper to help with the design and planning.


Next Year!


Ava and Malachi have had a great idea about a Pumpkin Competition and if possible they would like to return to be the judges!
