Home Page
Welcome to Comberton Primary School and Nursery. Please contact the school office for a personalised tour of our wonderful school!


Welcome to Comberton Nursery!

We feel privileged to be sharing your child's first stepping stone in education. Nursery have an exciting term ahead, our days will be filled with lots of wonderful experiences and opportunities for learning and growing. On this page we will share our learning journey with you and keep you up to date with our latest letters and information. 

Meet the Nursery Staff...

Key Information 


  • The Nursery door will be open at 8:45 for the children attending morning sessions and 12:15 for afternoon sessions. Please ensure arrival is prompt. The children will come into Nursery without their adult at the beginning of a session, whether this be the morning or afternoon. An adult will be on the main Nursery door to welcome parents and answer any questions or take any messages you may have. Children will then come into Nursery by themselves and the adults inside Nursery will help children with their coats, lunchboxes, names on the rainbow etc. 
  • Snack fund is a voluntary contribution of £1.00 per week. Please use the named plastic money wallets provided.  
  • Please can you encourage your child to not bring in toys from home. We cannot be responsible for any toys that are brought in as they may get lost or broken.




  • If children get very wet, messy or have an accident they may need a change of clothes. Please provide your child with a spare change of clothes (top, trouser/skirt, pants, socks and shoes) in a bag on your child’s peg, clearly labelled with your child’s name.
  • Please provide your child with a pair of named wellington boots (these can be left at school under your child's peg).
  • The children will have the opportunity to play outside and often take up this opportunity. Therefore, it is important that children bring clothing appropriate for outdoor play. It is essential that your child brings a coat to Nursery each day. As the weather becomes colder please can we ask that you provide hats, gloves and scarves for the children. If we are lucky enough to have warm weather, please provide named sun cream and a sun hat.
  • Please can you clearly name your child’s school uniform, particularly coats and jumpers/cardigans. These are items of clothing that can easily be lost. 


Our topic for Summer 2 is...


Let's go to the Seaside!



Each week we will explore a concept, a nursery rhyme and a STAR word. The STAR word will be explicitly taught and will be key to the learning taking place that week. Our weekly plans are displayed on the Nursery notice board and allow you to see activities we will be doing each week. Children will learn a new concept each week and there will be a linked challenge on the notice board. It would be lovely if you could add photographs of your child completing these challenges to their online journal on the Seesaw app. If you need your QR code reprinted please do not hesitate to ask!
