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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

We have been on our residential! Check below for photos!



The Year 6 teachers are Miss Poyner and Miss Jeavons. They are supported by Miss Taylor, Mrs Bell and Mr Tierney.


We are based in the Year 6 mobile classroom. In the mornings, Year 6 children usually wait on the bottom playground until the bell sounds and then walk sensibly in through the main mobile entrance ready to hang up your coat and bag.


In order to maximise the space in our middle area, we need your support. We are asking that you only bring a coat and a drawstring bag to put your things in (lunch box, water bottle, reading book and record).

Rucksacks are too big and bulky for this area so we do not allow you to bring one in Year 6. You also need to bring a drink of water in with you for throughout the day.


PE is on a Friday and you will need to come to school in your kit on that day.


Your homework will be to complete 45 minutes on TTRockstars (it is best to do this in small chunks throughout the week) and read at least 3 times a week. On Friday mornings we will check that you have been practising your timestables for the correct amount of time and on a Monday we will check that your reading journal has been signed 3 times by an adult. 

In Year 6, there will be opportunities for you to watch films, for example Goodnight Mister Tom and Matilda, which have a PG certificate so just let your parents know. If they have any questions or concerns they can email us.


We expect you to work hard and behave well. We try to plan interesting lessons and opportunities for your last year with us so you need to attend well, try your best and always be respectful to others.


We think that covers it all, but if you have any questions for us you can email us at and we’ll try our best to answer them.


Red and White Day. Euros 2024.

Crazy Hair Day

We have been investigating how the position of the object affects the size of the shadow.

We’ve had fun in science this week investigating the properties of shadows.

Some of our children took part in a tag rugby tournament organised by West Mercia Police.

Year 6 have worked with Mrs Phillips to create dances linked to Aladdin. They performed these at Baxter College as part of a Dance Festival.

Year 6 have created pieces of artwork using acrylic paints on canvas. They focused on creating movement in their work and based it on a pose of their choosing linked to sport.

As part of British Science Week, Year 6 had a workshop with Hands on Science dissecting hearts. This was linked to work completed in class on the circulatory system. The children recalled their knowledge and got to work practically with forceps and scissors to identify key parts of lamb hearts.

World Book Day 2024

In science, we’ve enjoyed investigating how beneficial changes can lead to the evolution of a species.

As part of DT, Year 6 worked in groups to research and prepare a one-pot meal from a certain continent. They then had the opportunity to eat their own as well as try ones from other groups.

We enjoyed our PSHRE Scarf workshop around decisions.

In 6CJ maths, we have looked at volume and tested our partners by creating 3D shapes.

Year 6 had a talk from a local PCSO looking at knife crime including statistics and myths around the topic.

Year 6 have been learning Yoga in their PE lessons. They have learnt different flows including the Sun Salutation.

Some of our Year 6 children were trained as Playleaders.

Year 6 have made dreamcatchers showing their New Year's resolutions. They have been proudly displayed in the Year 6 classrooms.

Homework raffle winner.

Winner! The cosiest place to read competition.

Our finished Doodlers.

We worked in groups to investigate existing products. We altered parts of the Doodler - the counterweight, drawing tools and motor position.

We started our DT unit by building circuits.

Santa came to visit our class.

In science this week, we’ve been looking at members of the fungi kingdom. We looked at yeast under a microscope and investigated whether it was alive. We dissected a mushroom and ate some mouldy cheese!

We have enjoyed wearing our Christmas jumpers to raise money for Birmingham Children's Hospital.

6TP have completed the 'Harriers Healthkick Football Sessions'.

In science we have been following in the footsteps of Carl Linnaeus. We looked carefully at the physical characteristics of the plant specimens in order to classify them.

We are kicking off Anti-Bullying Week by wearing odd socks to celebrate our uniqueness.

6CJ reading challenge winner and homework winners for Autumn 1.

We have created our own Viking jewellery using clay and wire. We are really pleased with the final product.

As part of their art work, Year 6 have designed and created Viking-inspired jewellery. They used clay and wire to achieve the final result.

Well done to these Year 6 children who successfully completed the Health Kick Challenge.

Year 6 were visited by a local PCSO and completed work on bullying, hate crimes and the criminal age of responsibility.

Celebrating mental health day.

In science, we are learning about the circulatory system. The heart pumps blood around the body by contracting and relaxing.

We made red blood cells out of modelling clay.

Our one-way valves would only let the marble roll through in one direction.

Key Information

  • You will need to come dressed in your PE kit on Fridays.
  • This year children will be set for Maths across three groups.

Extra work at home

Here are some websites you might like to explore


Also, please continue to make use of websites which your child has a personalised login for including TT Rockstars and Seesaw. 
